Overview Uses Manual FAQ


Vibe's location based messages combined with anonymity of users (if they choose to) allows it to be used in many different ways. Here are some of the ways people are finding Vibe useful:

  1. Eyewitness
  2. Vent
  3. Meet like minded hobbyists and professionals
  4. Lost and Found
  5. Missed connections
  6. Buy & Sell
  7. Sharing dreams
  8. Geo diary

Eyewitness: Vibe is a great way to quickly share something you just came across and care about, whether fun celeb sighting or serious citizen reporting.
Here's how:

  • start a "New Vibe"
  • move the map to the location of what you saw
  • make your message a "bellow" so the whole world can see it
  • enter your message text (you can also attach a picture, video, or audio recording).
  • include relevant hashtags such as #seenhere and #eyewitness
  • tap on the Twitter and/or facebook buttons if you also want to share it there

Vent: Irked or unhappy about something? Perhaps you don't want to post it on facebook or Twitter. Vibe is the place to turn to for venting, whether personal, work, or life in general.
Here's how:

  • start a "New Vibe"
  • move the map to a location away from your home, school, or work
  • "bellow" it if you want to vent to the whole world, c) type whatever is on your mind
  • include #venting so it's easier to find;)

Meet like minded hobbyists and professionals: Vibe doesn't require a profile, but its support for multimedia messages make it well suited for posting free form "profiles" that are easy to find if you use the applicable hashtags. Already, photographers, models, makeup artists, dancers and others are posting profiles similar to what they have on ModelMayhem, Facebook, etc.
Here's how:

  • start in the "Map View" section of Vibe and move the map to where you want your profile posted
  • tap on "New Vibe"
  • set the broadcast distance to 12,000 miles/20,000 km (a bellow) and set the duration to "forever"
  • set "Replies are visible: to just me" (so only you see people's comments on your profile message)
  • type in your profile description (often easier to copy/paste it from an existing online profile)
  • include hashtags applicable to your profile (e.g. #photographer #model #mua #dancer #actor etc.)
  • add an image or video/audio clip (for more than one, post them as replies to the same profile)

Lost and Found: Since messages have a place, Vibe is well suited for posting lost and found notices
Here's how:

  • post a new message at the location of you lost or found the item
  • select a broadcast distance and duration applicable to the situation
  • describe the item lost or found item any reward offered
  • add a picture if you have one
  • include #lost or #found in your message so people can find it via search

Missed connections: Ever fleetingly connect with someone in public and wish you had gotten their number or even stopped to talk to them? Missed connection messages are long shot posts in the hope that person will see it. Vibe's location based messages increases the chance of a re-connection.
Here's how:

  • post your message at the location on the map where your missed connection happened
  • select a broadcast distance and duration applicable to your message
  • include #missedconnection in your message so people can find it by search. The more info you include, the more likely either the intended person or someo who knows them will see it

Buy & Sell: Vibe's location based messages combined with the option for direct/private replies makes it a powerful tool for selling and buying items and services.
Here's how:

  • start in the "Map View" section of Vibe and move the map to the middle of your ad's coverage area
  • tap on "New Vibe"
  • set the broadcast distance and duration to whatever radius and time you want your ad visible
  • set "Replies are visible: to just me" (so only you see people's replies to your listing)
  • include #forsale or #wanted in your message so people can find it by search
  • include applicable hastags such as #camera #iPhone, etc.
  • add photos of the item if you wish

Sharing dreams: Had an interesting dream? Use Vibe's audio recording feature to share an account of the dream while it's fresh in your memory.
Here's how:

  • start a New Vibe message and pick a location other than your home, work or school
  • make it a "bellow" if you want to share it with the whole world
  • tap on the "camera" icon and select "Record audio"
  • record your dream message
  • add a brief description text and include #idreamt #dream so people can easily find it

Geo journal: With Vibe's ## feature, you can post messages for your eyes only (if you don't share the password with anybody). Since messages are location based, you can maintain an online private journal of places you've been to and thoughts associated with them. You'll also be able to see your journal entries on a map!
Here's how:

  • come up with a long password and start a message using that password with a ## right before it (e.g. ##mysecretpassword7815)
  • once you submit it that ## name will be added to your saved searches
  • go to the "Custom View" section of the app and tap on "Edit"
  • from the list of saved searches that appear, select the ## one you just used
  • you've just defined "Custom View" to go to your geo journal
  • to add new journal from within "Custom View", tap on the New Vibe button to add a new journal entry (it'll also be password protected)
  • also from within Custom View, tap on the "Map" button and see all your journal entries on a world map;)



























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