Overview Uses Manual FAQ

Freedom of Expression - near and far

Vibe is a social network that's based on location instead of identity.

Vibe connects you with people around you wherever you are: in your building, in a club, at a conference, on campus, in your neighborhood or even while waiting in the iPhone or iPad line;)

Vibe can also connect you with people in another country, city, or specific neighborhood.

Vibe works by messages that have a place, a broadcast distance, and a duration that you select. They are like real world signs and billboards - small ones only visible to people nearby, big ones visible far, and they may be up for a long time or just a short while.

Vibe messages can include pictures, animated gifs, 30 second videos, 60 second audio clips, and up to 2,000 characters. Audio and video clips are particularly cool new features in Vibe 2.5.

Vibe shows you a stream of public messages filtered by distance from you. You can also view messages on a world map.

You post local messages for nearby people, or you can post anywhere in the world to communicate with people there.

Vibe messages are public by default, but you can privately reply to people in a conversation (double @@ replies). You can also create password protected messages for groups of people or just for yourself (double ## messages).

There's no registration or login in Vibe, so jump in and speak your mind!

Here's a short video tutorial worth watching:

There are 5 important concepts to effectively using Vibe:

  1. A message has a "location" (either where you are or elsewhere in the world).
  2. A message has a "view" radius (how far from the message people can see it),
  3. A message has a "reply" radius (how far from the message people can reply to it - often but not necessarily the same as the view radius).
  4. A message has a "duration" (which can be as little as 15 minutes or as long as forever).
  5. A message can have a password (and only people you share the password with can access it).




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